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Frederic Vidal

“Reform of the Constitution.”
The Bill of Rights represents the 10 first amendments and it's not over until now:
we need one more as the conclusion.

Frederic Vidal

"Reform of the Society."
The World Wide Web is an US creation that became our communication locomotive:
to intensify the Internet is an obligation.



We need reforms. Another one could be about the Internet empowerment, for a stronger family Web, called Intervision.

We need reforms. The main one could be a Constitution amendment about our US citizenship and the DC Federal powers.

Like Trudeau in Canada and Valls in France, I can represent the new aspiration of the population to be governed by young looking and thinking LEADERS.

The Secretary of the Arts project was not validated in 2009. So, let's create an AMERICAN CULTURES DEPARTMENT (ACD)as a nonprofit, right now. It would be financed by sponsoring and benefactors.

No Trump, No joke! Liberalism has no other name.

4 months
to succeed:

APRIL 2016.

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